Whether you’re single or with a significant other, a father or not, it’s important to keep yourself healthy, mentally fit and emotionally supported. No matter what the future has in store, a healthy lifestyle today makes it easier to find success and happiness at work, at home and in your relationships.
Exercise at least 30 minutes daily
Exercise is a great way to manage stress and keep your body healthy. Benefits from daily exercise regimen include:
- Stronger heart, muscles and bones
- Less stress
- Better sleep
- More energy
- Healthier weight
- Fewer illnesses
Create Your Own Healthy Workout Plan
Find a medical home
Don’t wait to get until something is wrong. It’s important for you, like all men, to get a yearly checkup and discuss with your clinician any health problems you might be having.
Take Charge with Healthy Changes
If you have a family history of high blood pressure, cancer or diabetes, it’s important to let your clinician know and be aware of warning signs. Developing a medical home — a trusted clinician you access for regular primary care — is important in getting ready for children in the future.
Know Common Men’s Conditions and Concerns
Find Low-Cost Medical Care in Tarrant County
Get checked for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
Even if you don’t have symptoms and feel fine, it’s important that you get checked for STIs. You can still pass on infections to your partner, and that can hurt a developing baby.
Learn More About Prevention and Protection
Remember men are much less likely to show signs of infection than women. If you are not tested, you won’t know you’re passing something on to your partner. Untreated STIs in women can be very dangerous for the pregnancy.
What You Need to Know About STIs
Get all the facts about testosterone replacement
Ads for medications to replace testosterone are everywhere. Many of these medications have not been approved by the FDA and may be harmful, particularly if you already have problems with high blood pressure.
According to the FDA, testosterone replacement therapy can increase men’s risk of heart attack by 30 percent. If you feel you need these types of medications based on what you have heard about them, discuss your signs and symptoms with your clinician. Many of the symptoms that advertisers say result from low testosterone may in fact be signs of other treatable conditions that need attention.
Regular Check-ups Every Man Needs
Understanding the Risks of Testosterone Therapy
Develop a life plan
Life planning isn’t only for women. Men can also benefit from looking at their life choices and deciding when the time is right to start a family. Doing so can put your current lifestyle in perspective and give you incentive to make positive behavioral changes. The Life Planning Tool has one or two questions specifically for your partner, but it can be a good tool to take note of where you are now versus where you want to be.
Herramienta para Planificar la Vida (PDF)
Don’t drink, Don’t smoke, Don’t do drugs
Using tobacco, drugs and alcohol can cause serious health problems for you and any children you may have one day.
Smoking or chewing tobacco (even using E-cigarettes) can lower your sperm count and make it more difficult to get an erection.
Help is Here When You’re Ready to Quit
Using steroids or marijuana or drinking more than two alcoholic drinks a day can cause abnormal sperm and lower your testosterone level which can lead to lower sex drive, smaller testicles and increased male breast size.
Other Ways the Disease of Addiction Affects Us
Seeking Treatment and Recovery
Eat right
Texas’ highways and byways are like a giant fast food buffet. Something quick and easy to eat is always right around the corner. But those fast food fixes may be high in salt, fat and calories.
Lean protein, vegetables and fruits should be at the center of your diet. Look for healthier options that will fill you up and give you energy.